Welcome to the Virginia Fresh Produce Food Safety Blog at www.producesafety.hort.vt.edu/! The Virginia Fresh Produce Food Safety Team works across Virginia with many diverse stakeholders in order to promote a more robust food safety culture. We collaborate on projects from farm to fork to assist producers, who grow vegetables, fruit, and niche produce crops, in order to encourage and strengthen Virginia agriculture and increased sourcing of their produce in the marketplace.
The Virginia Produce Safety Blog provides news about our many collaborative efforts and upcoming educational opportunities throughout the Commonwealth. This blog is closely linked to our comprehensive website, http://www.hort.vt.edu/producesafety/index.html, which provides lots of information about the Fresh Produce Food Safety Team, as well as timely and science-based resources geared to reducing fresh produce contamination risks, beginning at the farm level, progressing through the market-place to the final end-user, the consumer. Whether you are a produce grower, a marketplace vendor or buyer, a home consumer, or other interested stakeholder, we invite you to explore our website and stay connected by this blog!
For more information about the Virginia Fresh Produce Food Safety Team or to contact us with any questions, email us at vtproducesafety@gmail.com.